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After all this rambling, sightseeing, sipping and sampling a little pampering never goes amiss and manicures, pedicures and other beauty treatments can be arranged with Cecile at L'échappée Coquette, the mobile beauty truck that calls in the village every Thursday.  









Cahuzac now has two hairdressers  - Salon Monique, with its new owner M Franck Alary, has been joined by De Mèche Avec Vous in the skilful hands of Sandrine Champion.


Then select a book from Helene’s extensive library and sit back and relax on the terrace with a glass of whichever tipple takes your fancy. Lets the breeze rustling the leaves in the trees calm you and just for a while let the world go on its merry way without you.

Unwinding 2.JPG
The wind in the trees
The rippling Vere
Relax, relax
The lotus blossom . . . 
. . . and the sunflowers
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